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Vision Statement

We are a thriving Christian organization compelled by the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to improve the health outcomes of ACF families and Africans worldwide through health education and professional services. We leverage our skills with the African community to drive professional growth and broaden networking opportunities among people of the African diaspora.

  • Ngozi Nwachukwu Ngozi Nwachukwu
    PharmD (President)
  • Callista IwualaDr. Callista Iwuala
    DNP (Vice President)
  • Chibuzo Emenari, MDChibuzo Emenari
    MD (Secretary)

Contact information

  • Ngozi Nwachukwu (Pharmacist): (301) 326-6015
  • Callista Iwuala (Nurse Practitioner): (201) 362-9916